Tony Ward
Tony Ward, Managing Director
Tel. 0345 200 9848
Tony has developed Strategy using his expertise and knowledge that he has gained through over 30 years of experience in the Financial Services industry.
Sophia Ward
Sophia Ward, Financial Adviser
Tel. 0345 200 9848
Sophia joined Strategy as a Client Services Administrator in 2019. Her background includes an Integrated Masters in French, Russian and Linguistics at the University of Southampton. Since, she has worked as an Audit Associate in the Reinsurance department of Financial Services at KPMG, becoming part qualified in the chartered accountancy qualification ACA with the ICAEW. She is looking to pursue a career in Financial Services and has since become licensed and qualified as a Financial Adviser for Wealth and Mortgages.
Mihaela Mihaly
Mihaela Mihaly, Practice Administrator
Tel. 0345 200 9848
Mihaela joined Strategy as the Practice Administrator in 2019 where her current role encompasses all financial responsibilities as well as HR and IT. Her background includes a degree in Technical Engineering, specialising in tool machinery and manufacturing systems. After which she worked as a management assistant and commercial representative, involving contractual responsibilities and international liaison.
Emily Humphreys
Emily Humphreys, Paraplanner
Tel. 0345 200 9848
Emily joined Strategy as the Client Services Administrator in January 2023 where her role encompasses all aspects of client management and data gathering, as well as software and system maintenance. After furthering her education in Economics, History and English, she has undertaken a wide range of customer service roles. She has since moved into the role of Business Development Co-ordinator where she managed contracts, projects and client relations and then into procurement. She is now looking to develop her skills in the industry and pursue a career in Financial Services long term.
Kiera Hyatt
Kiera Hyatt, Client Services Administrator
Tel. 03452009848
Kiera's career path suggests a solid foundation in administrative roles within the financial services sector, particularly in pensions administration. Her educational background in Law, Politics, and Sociology, coupled with her Level 3 Apprenticeship in Pensions Administration, provides her with a diverse skill set that can be valuable in client management and data gathering. She is looking to develop her skills further and pursue a long-term career in Financial Services.